Contact us.

contact smart group manufacturingIf you think that any products or processes featured in this site could help you then please feel free to contact us. It is our policy to reply to emails promptly. On most occasions email enquiries are answered the same day. In all instances we aim to reply to your enquiry within 24 hours.

If you would like some friendly advice or a quick quotation why not call us? If you are based within the UK you can call us for FREE.

Simply dial 0800 413 892  

Lines are open from 8.30am right through to 6pm Monday to Friday. 


If you want to send us an email message just type in the box below and hit send. We'll reply as quickly as we can. If you email during a normal working day you can expect a reply within an hour or less.


If this form returns and error message please click on the email image below. This will launch an email in Outlook which will be delivered straight to our inbox.

click to email the smart group


Use this icon to send your enquiry using your the email software on your computer.


You can send your faxes to us anytime you like. Our dedicated fax online line is permanently available anytime day or night.

fax the smart group

Privacy policy

We treat all correspondence and conversations that take place as strictly private and confidential. Your contact details will not be passed to any third part for any reason, ever.

We do not like pressure selling of any kind so choose not to bombard you with SPAM emails promoting sales or special offers. Unlike other suppliers we won't use your email address to start sending you an avalanche of annoying unsolicited emails; if you need us you know where we are.




Contact us for a fast, no obligation quote on anything!

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